If you had any doubts about whether or not the print industry was in a dead zone, you certainly got your answer at GRAPH EXPO 15. And it wasn't just from Ricoh's aggressive Print is More Alive Than Ever campaign.The show attracted thousands of attendees from all over the world, and when you add in the 550+ exhibitors, that's a lot people who have print flowing through their veins. The Pulse of Print at Graph Expo 15But you can't just look at the number of people who filled the McCormick Place to get a pulse on the print industry.The strong pulse comes from the excitement on a young print shop owner's face when she holds synthetic paper in her hands for the first time and is inspired to offer her customers new and exciting durable applications.The strong pulse comes from young graphic designers who have a dream of opening up their own print shop and are looking for ways to differentiate themselves with unique specialty papers that their clients will love.And the pulse comes from seasoned print professionals who are developing new ways for printers to source the right media for specific applications.If you are looking for new ways to get your blood pumping about print, check out our substrate brochure.