Pressure Seal Forms & Equipment

Formax Equipment

Formax Equipment

Formax pressure seal equipment is compatible with our ULTRASEAL forms and self-mailers. We offer a range of options, from tabletop to industrial-sized units.

ULTRASEAL Pressure Seal Forms


A cost-effective, labor-reducing and environmentally-friendly way to create, process and deliver mailed pieces without an envelope.

ULTRASEAL Pressure Seal Checks


Improve efficiency and increase the security of sensitive information by eliminating the envelope. Our unique one-piece design offers up to 14 security features and any attempt at tampering will result in a damaged check. Available in a variety of colors, sizes and formats. Pair ULTRASEAL checks with our Formax pressure seal machines.

Customer Stories with Pressure Seal



Ecru’s owner worked with RELYCO's creative team to produce a custom pressure seal marketing piece for a wedding trade show.



Improved survey response rates and ROI with Pressure Seal.

Ricca Group

Ricca Group

Medical market research company increases efficiency, security with customized check stock from RELYCO .