
We pride ourselves on our wildly reliable customer service, and our blog is designed to be an extension of that mission. Whether you're seeking expert advice, industry insights or simply looking to learn more about us, our blog is here to answer your questions.

Help Your Customers Set Up a Print Marketing Campaign

Help Your Customers Set Up a Print Marketing Campaign

When a customer comes to you to begin a print marketing campaign, but has no idea where to start, how do you help? Follow these five steps!
How to Extend Your Business Printing Services to Existing Customers: Part 2

How to Extend Your Business Printing Services to Existing Customers: Part 2

Today’s post offers four new ways to extend your business printing services by anticipating the needs of your biggest asset: your current customers.
How to Extend Your Business Printing Services to Existing Customers: Part 1

How to Extend Your Business Printing Services to Existing Customers: Part 1

Here's how to make sure your clients understand all the print services you offer, and how to demonstrate the value of the products you're distributing.
Three Strategies to Boost Printer Sales

Three Strategies to Boost Printer Sales

Your prospects are hunting for new ways to maximize their client offerings. Here's how you can capitalize on that need to increase printer sales.
How to Choose the Right Pressure Seal Forms for Your Application

How to Choose the Right Pressure Seal Forms for Your Application

How do you decide on which pressure seal forms will fit your needs? Can you take advantage of stock pricing and availability, or will you need to go custom?
Make a Vivid Statement With Colored Waterproof Paper & White Toner

Make a Vivid Statement With Colored Waterproof Paper & White Toner

Make a vivid statement. Here's how students at the Art Institute of Philadelphia used our colored waterproof paper to create amazing printed designs.
What to Do When Your Trusted Business Printing Supplier Files for Bankruptcy

What to Do When Your Trusted Business Printing Supplier Files for Bankruptcy

As more traditional print providers are feeling competition from digital solutions, some companies find themselves considering shutting down. When that happens, what do you do, as a customer of their products and services?
Carbonless Paper FAQs: Everything You Need to Know

Carbonless Paper FAQs: Everything You Need to Know

Do the forms run through the printer at the same time? How do the forms stay together? Does laser carbonless paper come pre-collated and un-collated? Find these answers and more.
Three Printing Business Ideas to Attract and Retain New Customers

Three Printing Business Ideas to Attract and Retain New Customers

As more and more customers move their printing in-house, these three printing business ideas can help print shops can retain old and attract new customers.
When a Cold Winter’s Day Impacts Your Laser Printer

When a Cold Winter’s Day Impacts Your Laser Printer

Static electricity is a common problem on cold winter days when the humidity is low. Check out these tips to fight static and keep your laser printer running in tip-top shape!